Internet Inequality in Wales Update 2005. This short report written by Sarah Richards is published by the Welsh Consumer Council.
I would never have thought of looking here for statistical information about the Internet.
But what a gem this report is. Short, concise, well written and informative. Every page a rich source of information.
The report is available to buy or as a free pdf . Guess which option I chose?
The report is short, five chapters and an appendix.
- Home internet Access
- Broadband
- Individual Access inside and outside the home
- Internet Usage
- Conclusions and Recommendations
Each chapter provides food for thought....
As might be expected the report relates to Wales but the issues are global; indeed reading the report I have been reminded of the Digital Divide which is clearly demonstrated here within fifteen miles of my home. In fact the statistics are staggering :-
In 2005 the percentage of adults with a home internet connection in the regions of Wales was as follows
- 51 % in North Wales
- 34 % in Mid / West Wales
- 39 % in South /West Wales
- 26 % in the South WalesValleys
- 48 % in Cardiff / South East Wales
How many digital natives live in the valleys?