Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Digital Reflection

Here are links to three films. Enjoy.

The first is a short thought provoking video about Google entitled "Master Plan". Directed and produced by Ozan Halici and Jurgen Mayer it leads us to consider the "power of Google".
Watch it and reflect.

We should remember that Google are aware of their influence and of the significance of the information they possess. As doubts grow in cyberspace about their abilty to fulfill a corporate philosophy of "do no evil" it is pleasing to read of their intention to anonymise search records. Good for them. Organisations should attempt to achieve transparency in their record keeping. Why do the records need to be kept for two years? Seems like a long time to me.

The second much longer film is a documentary prepared by Chuck Olsen in which he explores the way in which blogs influence modern society. The film includes interviews with Rebecca Blood, Jason Kottke and Meg Hourihan and other influential A List bloggers. As you might expect the the entire film is available online.

Finally, a film from the influential MacArthur foundation in the States that asks "Are kids different because of digital media?"

I'm not sure it answers the question......but there is no doubt that America is different.

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